Saturday 18 August 2007

Weirdest Grave In The West

More photos and the whole story here but check this madness out:

Hampstead Organ

Taken from the amazing selection at Memento Mori, this one from Hampstead

Whistling Jack

What a guy

Nunhead cemetery

So I visited this cemetery quite a while ago, tending some family graves with my mum and nan, family time y'know? Anyway, there were a plethora of interesting graves and whatnot, as you can see.
Is Rabiul Haq dead, and what has he done to deserve forgiveness in such an enigmatic manner? Answers on a postcard please. Also respect due for some seriously good names; not to belittle the dead but damn they knew how to name each other way back when.

Death becomes us

Hi there, this is my new blog in which I can share one of my guilty pleasures; exploring the hidden treasures of graveyards, whether sharing in the intrigue of the inhabitants' lives or sharing in the pathos of how they ended up there. Or just gawping at weird and wonderful names, eternal testaments to vanity and bad taste (we're talking tombstones as eho here, folks), or quiet and poetic spaces that give us pause for thought. I can't guarantee there will be rhyme or reason to this, or there will be a logical chain of themes, but I hope you share some of the wonder that I get when wandering around graveyards, mainly on Sunday afternoons!